Dear Bob,
When you came to my school, RCB, I was about to end my life. I did not have any thing left to do except take up space in everyone's daily lives. I felt useless. I was going to end my life on my birthday which is coming up on September 26. I had already prepared to hang myself with my own computer cord. It was only a matter of time. On my birthday I asked Christ to save me instead of ending it all.
Your Newest Friend,
David C.
I was planning my death a few nights ago, and prior to meeting you today, I cut my wrist twice Tuesday night. However I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that I will no longer continue to self mutilate because of you! I'm so grateful that you came to the school today. All my life, I've just wanted to meet someone who showed that they truly care whether I'm alive or if I just disappear suddenly. You sir have shown me that there is hope IN CHRIST and staying alive is worth it.
Thank you so much for coming to our high school on Thursday. Your message opened my eyes and changed my life, thank you so much. Unlike other rallies, your message really hit home because it was built around our generation and the problems we face today. You know how to reach teens and to teach them a life changing lesson. After hearing your message I made the final step of receiving Christ as my savior.
Thank you, again.
Hearing your message today at my school has touched me so much. It has made me rethink about all the things I could have done and said to make just one person want to keep pushing forward against the odds. Going to your assembly I didn't know what to think, BEFORE YOU CAME TO MY SCHOOL I figured it'd be just another assembly to get me out of class, but instead God has brought you to all of these schools to preach the message of change in Christ. And you sure did preach the message I needed to hear, lately I've been down and thinking nothing is going to work out. God sent you to remind all of us that his plan is bigger, that there is better out there if we keep looking forward. Seeing the pictures of the girl burnt in the car has made me want to become a paramedic/fire rescue even more, I want to help save people from their dangers, Thank you so much for coming to our school, I hope you can continue to visit more schools, preach the message even more
God Bless,
Dear Bob,
You do may not know this but there is many who do not believe in Jesus, there are many that drink, smoke, and much more, That breaks my heart but I think that today you have caused many to stop and look toward Jesus Christ.
Hi Bob,
My name is J.T. and I am a Freshman at the High School you visited in November. I just want to say that you have really shown the light to many people in that school including me! I am so thankful you came to our school! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED YOUR MESSAGE! You do may not know this but there is many that do not believe in Jesus, there are many that drink, smoke, and much more, That breaks my heart but I think that today you have caused many to stop and look toward God. You brought a new thing an exciting thing. I extremely liked how you drawled our attention to you by starting off with the games! That was a marvelous idea, I would like for you to come back down to Scottsville to spread your message more because I can tell you this... Your message was AMAZING! It was sad but true...
Hey Bob. My name is Meredith, a Freshman. The day before you came to our school I was planning on going home today and writing out my suicide letter, I knew that I would probably chicken out but there's always that chance. You gave me hope. You made me feel like my life was important and actually made a difference to someone; and for that I thank you. I also wanted to thank you for the prescription card you gave us. My brother has diabetes and we couldn't pay for his meds before we got this. I came up to you, I was crying. I shook your hand and said thank you but I didn't tell you all of this so I am now. Thank you!
Hey there!
You recently came to our High School, and as you spoke and played, my spirit already sensed something in you. And when you mentioned our Lord and Savior I was the one kid that got up and applauded. To be honest, that took courage and the Holy Spirit convicted me to continue leaving behind the shame of the Gospel. I do share it, but what you did set the bar and left me speechless. I wanted to encourage you Man of God, to continue fighting the good fight of faith. Surely our Father in heaven will preserve you and guide you through His word. Keep on going, for His kingdom, that Christ may be glorified through you and through volleyball (LOL). Thank you so much, you ministered to me greatly. May you be blessed wherever you go, and that our Lord can walk alongside you as a mighty giant that protects you. Amen.