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student debt elimination program

A division of the "SEYAH HUMANITARIAN PROJECT FUNDING PROGRAM" designed to help meet the needs of others.

unfortunately, the implementation is still a work in progress

The intent is to enroll students into a program that generates funding to help pay for their college expenses during and after their schooling.
The goal is to provide funding for their Room and Board, Books and Labs, plus other expenses including a personal spending allowence, and tuition that allows them to either graduate debt-free or finish paying off their student loans and other debt.
Since the program is designed to help students, not harm them. So, careful considerations, policy and proceedures, are being reviewed.

two of the key concerns are:

  1. Providing the student with more spending money than they need that may cause them to go wild or spending detrimentally.
  2. Providing the student too much money that may cause them  to not focus on their career or drop out of school because they can afford to.

Possible solution

  • Establish a 3rd-party mediation and monitoring company to provide and enforce a stringent Agreement between the Student and the School as a checks and balance to protect the Student, as well as removing any liability for the School.
  • Establish a financial account for each student that would auto-pay their school expenses and monthly spending allowance with the remaining funds in an income producing account like an I.U.L.