introducing  Bob  Holmes

 Bob Holmes, "THE ONE MAN VOLLEYBALL TEAM" is a dynamic speaker that uses the game of volleyball to captivate the attention of students and faculties in school assemblies across the nation before delivering a powerful message on how fascination leads to assassination, the dangers of drugs, and alcohol, bulling, peer pressure, vaping, suicide, and being deceived by predators on social media and in chat rooms! 

Bob plays against a team of six and has accumulated over 20,000 wins and less than 500 losses in his career.  He is also featured in Ripley's Believe It Not for playing more games than any other athlete in any sport.

Please watch the short video below and consider booking Bob in an assembly in your school

letters  from  impacted  faculty

From Principal Brady
"Bob Holmes put on the most entertaining and meaningful assembly performance that I've seen in my entire career in education.  He dazzled our students with humor, action, and athleticism.  After captivating them with his amazing volleyball skills, he delivered a message about making good decisions.  I will be recommending Mr. Bob Holmes to every principal that will listen."
I would like to thank you so much for the assembly on Monday.  Our students were thrilled with the games and inspired by your talk. Even if only one student was affected by your message, it was worth the time. I feel very fortunate that we were able to have you at our school. Several of our teachers were so impressed that have taken your postcards to spouses who teach in other schools.  In the 32 years that I have been teaching, your assembly was the best I've heard. I will also be recommending you to others.
Thank you again.
Mary.  Teacher and Guidance Counselor
I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know you really touched a lot of our students at our school today during your visit.  Many staff members mentioned that in all their years teaching, yours was the best assembly they had ever seen.  I have a child at our High School and Middle School. They both can't stop talking about you today!  The older one, was one of the volleyball team players that you played and beat!
Principal Ed

letters  from  impacted  students

As I sat there watching and listening as though I felt my life finally had a meaning. When I was 10 years old I tried committing suicide by eating rat poison. My life was horrible. When I went to bed that nigh in tears because I wanted nothing to do with bully's. The poison caused my veins to leak and bleed internally. I was in pain for 3 months but was happy to be away from school where the bullies were. The pain from the poison was less then the pain and shame I got from the bullies.

I was planning my death a few nights ago, and prior to meeting you today, I cut my wrist twice Tuesday night. However I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that I will no longer continue to self mutilate because of you! I'm so grateful that you came to the school today. All my life, I've just wanted to meet someone who showed that they truly care whether I'm alive or if I just disappear suddenly. You sir have shown me that there is hope and staying alive is worth it.
Hello Bob, 
 My name is Brittany and I've been bullied by people I thought were my friends. Before your speech, I had been cutting and even thought about suicide. I tried once before but was unsuccessful.  I was planning on trying it again but your speech changed that. I realized that I that there ARE some people who care about me. When I got home I threw away the blade I had been using. I just wanted to thank you for what you said. It saved me and I will never forget it.
Hearing your message today at my school has touched me so much. It has made me rethink about all the things I could have done and said to make just one person want to keep pushing forward against the odds. Going to your assembly I didn't know what to think, BEFORE YOU CAME TO MY SCHOOL I figured it'd be just another assembly to get me out of class, but instead you spoke a life-changing message and a message I needed to hear, lately I've been down and thinking nothing is going to work out. Seeing the pictures of the girl burnt in the car has made me want to become a paramedic/fire rescue even more, I want to help save people from their dangers, Thank you so much for coming to our school. I hope you can continue to visit more schools with your message.  
Bob receives thousand of letters like the ones above every month and there is no way of knowing the number of students that are alive today because of his life-changing messages! 

For booking information, please submit the FORM below

or contact:  Johnny Goodrich @ (210) 324-5800