SCRIPT FOR THE SIZZLE / EXPLAINER VIDEO for introducing the Fundraiser to Schools and Organizations

NOTE:  a seperate video will be cut for presenting the organization's fundraiser to potential supporting members.

WELCOME TO SEYAH FUNDRAISING - the last fundraiser your School or Organization will ever need.
 SeYah Fundraisers put FUN back into FUNdraising and they also…
  • eliminate the need to conduct annual fundraisers, putting students in harm’s way, and wasting class room time.
  •  SeYah Fundraisers also generate more funding accidentally - than most traditional fundraisers do on purpose…
  • Plus, they reward their supporters with valuable benefits they can actually use all year long.

SeYah Fundraisers does not sell physical products that provide little value for the supporter and a small amount of revenue for the fundraising organization.
Instead… they provide Memberships with Valuable Benefits that reward their Supporters.

  • a $300 Travel and Dining Pass
  • a Beacon Magazine Subscription
  • access to a Money Management System
  • Professional Debt Analysis consultations
  • a specially designed phone App for Students
  • and access to a Family-friendly TV Network that broadcasts education, motivational, and inspirational content for all ages
  • Plus, other benefits as they become available

So, if your School, Church, or organization needs funding, then fasten your seat belt and watch the rest of this video to be impressed.

Drum roll please… lol

INTRODUCING THE SEYAH FUNDRAISER… a one of a kind, Fundraiser and Humanitarian Project Funding Program unlike any other.
  • It is a unique fundraisers provide five steps of abundant funding for the fundraising organization and its supporting members.
  • Plus,  provides an allocated amount of funding to help meet the humanitarian needs in the organization’s own community.

The first step contains five Members, and increases five X from step to step.
  • Each Organization and its members receive a portion of the funds from each available step by engaging other members and meeting the criteria below.
  • All members can receive up to ten dollars per month without engaging any other members. This provision is designed to provide the member with continuous access to their benefits, plus helps to pay for their monthly membership.
  • Members receive up to fifty dollars per month for engaging one other member;
  • up to two Hundred dollars per month for engaging three members;
  • up to eight hundred dollars per month for engaging four members;
  • up to two thousand dollars per month for engaging five members.

  • members can receive a four night Luxury Cruise for engaging eight members… 
  • and a seven night Luxury Resort get-a-way at over thirty five hundred available locations around the world for engaging twelve members.

  • Schools and Organizations will receive Ten Dollars for each member who engages in their fundraiser, plus up to twenty thousand dollars per month for engaging thirty participating members. 
  • This added provision provides an additional two hundred and forty thousand dollars to their annual budget.

What makes a SeYah Fundraiser even more powerful is… people helping people and putting people before profit.
  • Fortunately, participating members are not only helping to generate funding for their school or organization, but also funds to help meet the needs of others, including their own.
  • Every SeYah Fundraiser provides an allocated amount of funding to help feed the hungry, house the homeless, and after-care for those rescued out of human trafficking, plus many other humanitarian needs in every participating community across the nation.  

To participate in a SeYah Fundraiser as an organization requires a hundred dollar annual humanitarian aid contribution to enroll,  plus a ten dollar monthly membership. For annual their contribution, the organization receives a corporate replicated website with a back office to manage and track their funding.
The organization would enroll using a one hundred and twenty dollar coupon code issued by SeYah with the one hundred and twenty dollars withheld ‘one-time’ from their funding.

To participate as a supporting member of a fundraiser requires a twenty dollar annual humanitarian aid contribution to enroll, plus a ten dollar monthly membership paid by a credit, debit, or pre-paid card.

So, if your School or Organization needs funding, please ask yourself…
  • would I rather conduct one or more traditional, low rewarding fundraisers annually
  • a fundraiser that generously rewards supporters and provide funds month after month, year after year?
We believe your answer will be a…  "SEYAH FUNDRAISER"

So, when you are ready, just hit the  JOIN AS AN ORGANIZATION  button at the top of this site...