policy and Proceedures

Last Update: 11-01-2024
The SeYahCares Humanitarian Project Funding Membership Program is specifically designed to generate and provide an abundance of Funding for Churches, civic and nonprofit organizations, as well as incomes for their staffs, volunteers, members, and supporters, plus other like-minded individuals, so they can help meet the needs of others, including their own. The Program is designed for people to be able to help other people.

The Mission and Goals of the Program is to generate and provide funding for compassionate and generous humanitarian-minded individuals and organizations who will use the funding wisely and responsibly at their sole discretion.

 GENERAL - The Policies and Procedures, in their present form and as amended from time to time by SeYah, are also incorporated into the Project Funding Membership “JOIN” and are also the terms and conditions of the USER Agreement. It is the responsibility of each member to read, understand, and accept the most current version of these Policies and Procedures to ensure that he/she is aware of what they can expect from the Program and what the Program expects from its Members.

Members as well as their associated Members must also comply with the model of the Program, plus honor and obey all applicable laws of the USA.

 The word “COMPANY” refers to the “SeYah Cares Project Funding Membership Program”, a subsidiary of SeYah Humanitarian Outreach, a 501-c-3 nonprofit registered in the State of Texas, and headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. USA

 IMPORTANT NOTICE:   All Members are Independent 1099 Representative Members and NOT an employee of SeYah.

The purpose of this Agreement is to define the relationship between “COMPANY” and its Members; plus, to set the standard for acceptable and expected behavior while assisting its Members with receiving Humanitarian Project Funding.

CHANGES - The Company may from time to time amend the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Policies and Procedures, the Project Funding Program, and its Enrollment, or Memberships. Amendments shall be effective upon notification of the changes in official “COMPANY” publications distributed to its members via the corporate website and/or other forms of communication.

DELAYS - The “COMPANY” is not be responsible for any delays or failures in fulfilling its obligations due to circumstances beyond its control.

SEVERABLE - If any provision of the Agreement as it currently exists, or as may be amended, is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, only the invalid provision will be omitted from the Agreement; with the remaining terms and provisions remaining in full force and in effect.

TITLES NOT SUBSTANTIVE - The titles and headings to these Policies and Procedures are for reference purposes only and do not constitute, nor shall not be construed as, substantive terms of the Agreement.

WAIVER – The “COMPANY” never forfeits its right to require Member compliance with this Agreement, plus with applicable laws and regulations governing business conduct. Only in rare circumstances will a policy be waived, and such waivers will be conveyed in writing by the Compliance Officer, or an Executive Officer of the company, plus the waiver will apply only to that specific case.

HUMANITARIAN FUNDING RECIPIENT - The requirements to become a Humanitarian Project Funding Member and Funding Recipient is to be of legal age with a valid Federal Tax Number on file; reside in a geographic area where SeYah Humanitarian Outreach is approved to operate; plus MUST read and accept the Policies and Procedures of the Funding Program, its Disclaimers, User Agreement, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Refund Policy.

Additionally, as an independent 1099 Representative and Member, MUST assume all appropriate responsibilities for their own accounting, taxes, insurances, and the like, in respect to their Membership.

The “COMPANY” reserves the right to accept or reject any Membership Application for any reason, and/or to revoke a Membership with just cause, and without recourse.

IDENTIFICATION AND MEMBER NUMBER - When the “COMPANY” receives and accepts a new membership enrollment, they will be assign a unique membership ID Number, and that member MUST use their number when contacting the Customer Service Department.
AFFILIATE BENEFITS - Once the “COMPANY” accepts a Membership Application and issues their membership number and furnished website; most if not all  of the Membership benefits are immediately available to that new Member. These benefits currently include a monthly newsletter, access to discounted Dining and Travel, access to the SeYah TV Network on 01-01-2025, a professional debt analysis, and any other current or future benefits, including the right to purchase products and services at membership pricing; plus participate in and receive humanitarian funding from the SeYah Cares Humanitarian Funding Membership Program.

Members may also sell Memberships to other approved individuals, businesses, and organizations as Humanitarian Project Funding Members. Additionally, members will have access to any “COMPANY” approved marketing literature, tools, and communications; plus encouraged to participate in support, training, and motivational sessions. Members may also participate in any promotions, incentives, contests, and programs that are sponsored by the “COMPANY”.

OPERATING AS A HUMANITARIAN MEMBER – If the actions of a personally enrolled member, or an associated individual, business, organization, or entity engages in any activity that violates any provision of this Agreement, such activity may be reviewed as a violation by the enrolling member.

ADHERENCE TO THE FUNDING PROGRAM – Members must adhere to the terms and conditions of the “COMPANY” as set forth in all official documentation. Members shall not offer the Humanitarian Funding Program through any unapproved method of marketing. Members shall not require or encourage any current or prospective member to participate in the Funding Program in a manner that varies from the program as set forth in its documentation. Members shall not require or encourage any current or prospective member to execute any other agreement or contract other than official “COMPANY” Agreements or contracts in order to become a member. Similarly, members shall not require or encourage any current or prospective member to make any purchase from, or payment to any individual, or entity in order to participate in and/or to receive Funding from the Program other than the membership enrollment contribution and monthly m,embership donations as required in the official “COMPANY” documentation.

In General – Members must avoid all discourteous, deceptive, misleading, illegal, unethical, or immoral conduct or practices in the marketing and promotion of the Program. No member may produce any unauthorized sales or marketing materials to promote the Program anf/or its benefits. Members may only use sales aids and materials approved by the “COMPANY”.  Sales, marketing, and support materials include, but not limited to, promoting and training information, brochures, flyers, pamphlets, postcards, letters, classified advertisements, etc. that promotes the SeYah Cares Humanitarian Project Funding Membership Program.

MEDIA INQUIRIESMembers must refer all media inquiries regarding the Funding Program and/or its membership benefits to the “COMPANY's” Compliance Department… as this will ensure that only accurate and consistent information reaches the general public.

TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS – A member may use the SeYah Cares trademark, trade name, and corporate logo to promote their independent Membership. A reproducible copy of the logo can be obtained from the “COMPANY”. However, this logo may only be used on personal stationery and approved literature. It shall not be displayed on clothing, signage, or motor vehicles without the expressed written permission from the “COMPANY”. Members may also describe themselves as a SeYah Cares Humanitarian Project Funding Member.  Members, nor their Affiliates shall not answer any telephone in any manner that might indicate or suggest that the caller has reached the “COMPANY” corporate office.

Members may not record or reproduce materials from any corporate function, event, speech, etc. nor record, reproduce, or copy any presentation, or speech by any “COMPANY” spokesperson, representative, speaker, officer, director, or other member without written permission from the author. Members may not reproduce any recording of “COMPANY” produced media presentation including audio or video. Members may not publish, or cause to be published, in any written or electronic media, the name, photograph or likeness, copyrighted materials, or property of any Member without the written authorization from that member or from the “COMPANY”.

AFFILIATE CLAIMS AND REPRESENTATIONS – Members may not make income projections, claims, or disclose their Humanitarian Funding (including the showing of checks, copies of checks, or bank statements) when presenting or discussing the Funding Program with others.

REPORTS – The “COMPANY” genealogy and Funding Reports are confidential and may contain proprietary trade secrets. Therefore, no member may use those reports for any purpose not pertaining to the Funding Program, and/or its Policies and Procedures.
No individual or entity may possess more than one membership under the same Tax ID Number and MUST conform to the laws of the USA and the state in which their membership resides.  Each membership is required to have a separate Tax ID Number for each Membership, or if permissible with all tax laws, may receive separate funding for projects and or divisions using a valid DBA under ther unbrella the Tax ID Holder. It is the member's SOLE responsibility and liability to seek legal advice from a professional.
 DECEPTIVE PRACTICES – Members must truthfully and fully explain all of the details and requirements of the Humanitarian Funding Program, its membership benefits, Policies and Procedures, and other Agreements to every prospective member using the “COMPANY” website, their customized replicated website,  and/or approved marketing literature.  

INDEPENDENT STATUS – Members are independent 1099 Members and Representatives. Members are not purchasers of any franchise or business opportunity. The agreement between the “COMPANY” and does not create an employer/employee relationship, agency, partnership, joint venture, etc. All members and recipients of Humanitarian Funding are responsible for paying their own income taxes if applicable. Members will not be treated as employees of the “COMPANY” or of SeYah Humanitarian Outreach for any purpose including, but not limited to, any workers’ compensation, insurance benefits, or superannuation, etc.

ADHERENCE TO LAWS AND ORDINANCES – All Members MUST obey all city, county, state, and federal laws, and regulatory agency requirements and compliances at all times.

SALE, TRANSFER, OR ASSIGNMENT – A member may not sell, transfer, or assign their membership to any person or entity without the written approval from the “COMPANY”.

SEPARATION OF AN AFFILIATE - If a member wishes to dissolve or cancel their membership, they may do so at any time without cause or reason with or without notice. However, once their membership has been dissolved or cancelled, their Humanitarian Funding, if any, shall also cease.

REFUNDS - Because the SeYah Cares Humanitarian Project Funding Membership Program is a voluntary membership and you are willing to participate by donating finances into the “Program”, please be aware of, and keep in mind that your funds are immediately allocated, and refunds are discouraged.
However, should a Member request a refund, the request MUST be submitted to the Corporate Office in writing for Executive approval, and sent by USPS Registered Mail to: SeYah Cares 19141 Stone Oak Parkway Suite 104-101, San Antonio, Texas 78258 or emailed to Customer Support. Part of the approval process will require speaking to an “Executive” in hopes that the matter can be mutually resolved WITHOUT the member needing to do an unnecessary CHARGE-BACK through their Credit or Debit Card payment method. 

SUCCESSION - If a member dies or becomes incapacitated, his/her Membership and rights may be reassigned to his/her successor by submitting a new Membership Application for approval. Upon such death or incapacitation, the successor must present the proof of death or incapacitation, along with proof of succession, such as a Grant of Probate, or an Enduring Power of Attorney to the SeYah Cares Compliance Department along with their properly completed Membership Application and executed Agreement for approval.

TAXES – All SeYah Cares Humanitarian Project Funding Members must comply with all of the relevant taxation laws and legislation. Members should seek professional advice from their own accountant or tax advisor as to how to keep proper records and accounting for tax purposes, if any. Members receiving Humanitarian Funding may be subject to income tax and if so, must properly include it on their annual income tax reports or returns.  ALL Members will receive an electronic 1099 Tax FORM sent to their current email address on file and/or may be sent by US Mail.

TELEPHONE AND EMAIL SOLICITATION - The use of any automated telephone or email solicitation to market or promote the SeYah Cares Humanitarian Project Funding Program is strictly prohibited. The use of telemarketing operations to offer, promote, or sell Humanitarian Funding Memberships over the telephone is strictly prohibited. Members are also forbidden from sending unsolicited email messages or "spamming" to offer, promote, or sell Humanitarian Funding.  All members should make themselves familiar with relevant privacy legislation to AVOID legal action or liability as the “COMPANY” SHALL not assume any liability what-so-ever.

TERRITORIES - There are no exclusive territories for promoting the SeYah Cares Humanitarian Project Funding Membership Program, nor shall any member imply or state that he/she has an exclusive territory to offer or promote the Program.

NON-DISPARAGEMENT - In setting the proper example for others, members must not disparage any other member, or the Program. Such disparagement will constitute a material breach of these Policies and Procedures and will be subject to a penalty and/or termination determination.

REPORTING VIOLATIONS – Members should report any observed violations of a policy violation to the “COMPANY” Compliance Department to protect the Integrity of the Program and its Members.

HUMANITARIAN FUNDING – All funding with be dispersed to the recipient through their ledger in their Back Office. The recipient must review their Humanitarian Funding disbursement and report any errors or discrepancies to the Corporate Office via phone within ten (10) days from the date of the Funding was made. Errors or discrepancies which are not brought to SeYah Cares’ attention within the 10 days will be deemed correct.

ADJUSTMENTS OF HUMANITARIAN FUNDING – If an error or discrepancy is found, it will be properly and timely corrected.

LOSS OF FUNDING – All eligible Members will receive their Funding in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, as well as the eligibility requirements.  

UNCLAIMED FUNDING - eligible members who provide the “COMPANY” with incomplete or invalid bank account information will have their Funding retained as a CREDIT. Any unclaimed credit will be held in trust for 90 days, during which time the “COMPANY” will immediately and may periodically notify the Member of their pending credit balance.

ANY DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS  i.e. Grievances and Complaints. Upon receipt of a written complaint, the SeYah Cares Compliance Department will investigate the matter, review the applicable policies, and render a decision on how the dispute shall be resolved. The Compliance Department may also issue disciplinary sanctions consistent with the provisions of this Agreement if necessary.

MEDIATION AND ARBITRATION - All unresolved disputes, grievances, or legitimate claims relating to SeYah Cares and its obligations SHALL first be put before a mediator acceptable to both parties for resolution. Each party shall bear its own costs in the mediation. Should mediation fail to resolve the dispute then it shall be put before arbitration in Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas. Each party to the arbitration shall be responsible for their own costs, including legal and filing fees. If mediation fails, the arbitrator will survive any cancellation or expiration of the Member’s Agreement(s). Nothing in these Policies and Procedures shall prevent SeYah Cares from applying to and obtaining from any court of jurisdiction, a writ of attachment, temporary injunction, preliminary injunction, permanent injunction, or other available relief to safeguard and protect the interest of SeYah Cares prior to, during, or following the filing of any arbitration, or other proceeding, or pending the rendering of a decision or award in connection with any arbitration or other proceeding. The existence of any member’s claim or cause of action against SeYah Cares does not preclude SeYah Cares from enforcing the member's covenants and agreements contained in the Member’s Agreement(s).

JURISDICTION, VENUE, AND CHOICE OF LAW - The jurisdiction and venue of any matter pursuant to this agreement shall reside in Bexar County, San Antonio, Texas.

DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS - Violation of any of the terms and conditions of the Member Agreement(s), or any illegal, fraudulent, deceptive, or unethical business conduct by a member, may result, at SeYah Cares discretion, in one or more of the following sanctions:
➢           a written warning clarifying the meaning and application of a specific policy or procedure, and advising that a continued breach will result in further action, sanction, or probation, which may include requiring the member to take remedial action including follow-up monitoring by SeYah Cares to ensure full compliance with the Agreement;
➢           SeYah Cares may withhold or deny Funding temporarily until the member has met certain specified conditions;
➢           suspension of certain benefits and/or privileges of the member for a specified period of time or until the member satisfies certain specified conditions;
➢           may even include withholding member’s Funding for a specified period of time or until the member satisfies certain specified conditions;
➢           imposing a fair and reasonable penalty as may be permitted by law; and/or terminating their membership.

CHANGES TO MEMBERSHIP - Each member must immediately notify the Corporate Office of any changes to any information contained on the members’ Application and Agreement. Members may modify their existing  Agreement by submitting a written request, along with a properly executed Membership Application and Agreement, with relevant supporting documentation.

   ERRORS OR QUESTIONS - In the event that a member has questions about or believes that any errors have been made regarding their membership’s benefits, their Funding, or any other concern, the member must notify the SeYah Cares Corporate Office within thirty (30) days of the date of the purported error or incident in question. SeYah Cares will not be responsible for any error, omission, or problem that has not been reported within thirty (30) days.

RESOLVING PROBLEMS OR ISSUES - Any problems or issues that may arise needs to be sent to and resolved by the Support Department.

INACTIVITY POLICY – Members who do not meet the minimum requirements and qualifications to receive the membership benefits and/or any Humanitarian Funding should attempt to meet those requirements, or at the sole discretion of SeYah Cares, may receive an inactivity notice requesting the member to fulfil their membership’s obligations, or potentially be  removed from the Program.

INVOLUNTARY CANCELLATION – If a member violates any of the terms in the Agreements, including any amendments which may be made by SeYah Cares at its sole discretion from time to time, it will be deemed as a material breach of the Agreements, and may result in disciplinary action and/or cancellation their Membership, in which the member will lose all rights to their membership benefits, their current position and genealogy in the Program, thus disqualifying the member from receiving any Humanitarian Funding. If a member is involuntarily cancelled, the member will be notified by certified mail at the address on file with the Company. Cancellation is effective on the date the written notice is mailed via certified mail, return receipt requested, to the member's last known address or when the member receives the actual notice of cancellation, whichever occurs first. In the event of such involuntary cancellation, the member MUST immediately cease to represent themselves as a Member.

The member may appeal the termination to the SeYah Cares Compliance Department in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days of receiving their cancellation notice. If SeYah Cares does not receive the appeal notice within that fifteen-day period, the cancellation will become final.

Note: Member must submit all supporting documentation along with their appeal correspondence. The written appeal will be reviewed by the Compliance Department and if filed timely, then the Compliance Department will reconsider the termination, or consider another appropriate action, and notify the member in writing of its decision. The decision of the Compliance Department will be final. A member whose User Agreement is involuntarily cancelled may reapply to become a new member after twelve (12) calendar months from the date of cancellation. Any such member wishing to reapply must submit a letter to the SeYah Cares Compliance Department stating the reasons they believe SeYah Cares should allow them to become a member again.  It is within SeYah Cares sole discretion whether or not to grant their membership request.
VOLUNTARY CANCELLATION – A member may cancel their membership at any time, for any reason, by selecting the CANCEL MY MEMBERSHIP option in their back office -or- by providing a written notice to SeYah Cares indicating their intent to discontinue their membership. The written notice must include the member's signature, printed name, address, and appropriate Member ID number.

EFFECT OF CANCELLATION - Following a member's voluntary or involuntary cancellation, such former member shall have no right to any ongoing membership benefits or Humanitarian Funding. Additionally, the former member shall not promote themselves as a Member and shall not have the right to offer, enroll, or sell Memberships. Plus, the former Member must remove any SeYah Cares signage from public view and must discontinue using other materials bearing any SeYah Cares logo, trademark, or service mark.


Active Member – A member who satisfies the minimum requirements as set forth in SeYah Cares Funding Program.  An individual member or entity who has executed a membership application and agreement which has been accepted by SeYah Cares. Members are entitled to receive membership benefits, qualify to receive funding from the Program,  purchase products at membership pricing, sell and enroll new memberships, and take part in all current and future company programs.
Agreement – AKA, the Member User Agreement, Terms and Conditions, Policies and Procedures.
Cancellation - Termination of an individual's Membership. Note: the cancellation may be voluntary or involuntary.
Involuntary Cancellation - Termination of a membership which was initiated by SeYah Cares.
Voluntary Cancellation - The termination of a membership instituted by the member who elects to discontinue their affiliation with SeYah Cares for any reason.
Organization – A member's downline organization consisting of members below their membership.
Genealogy Report - A report generated by SeYah Cares that provides critical data relating to the identities of the member’s enrollments, sales, and other  information of each member’s organization. This report contains proprietary trade secret information.
Levels aka BASKETS - The layers of downline members in a particular member's organization. This term refers to the relationship of a member relative to a particular up line member, determined by the number of members between them who are related by enrollments or sponsorships.
BASKETS – the term used to mean the same as Levels. In this Program there are up to 8 Baskets available per SSN Member and 12 Baskets of funding available per an EIN Member.
Official Material - Literature, audio, video, and materials developed, printed, published, or distributed by SeYah Cares. Sponsor – A member who enrolls a new member and is listed as their Sponsor on the Membership Application and Agreement.  As the term implies, the Sponsor has the responsibility to assist those they enroll either themselves or by enlisting the help of another member, or Customer Service.
Upline - The term refers to the member and/or the members above a particular member in a genealogy line to the Program. It is the line of Memberships that links any particular member to the Program.