There are humanitarian needs in every community across the nation with one thing in common: the lack of funding to meet those needs. So, by the Grace of God, SeYah created a financial vehicle to generate and provide that funding using a uniqe Membership Program that also provides its members with tangible benefits for their participation. Members would access those benefits by visiting a geographical Website as shown in the EXAMPLE below the following short videos.  Each Website will be customized to the COUNTY that the member lives in, or may be visiting. Each COUNTY Website will promote a businesses that has or supports humanitarian causes.

Approximately 90% of the funding generated in each county will be received by the members in that county to use at their discretion. Approximately, 10% of that funding will help support several humanitarian causes and  projects that SeYah directly supports.

Please watch the 4-min video from two  of those causes below

seyah is offering a golden opportunity on a silver platter for the business types listed below.

Because some of those needs are HVAC issues, SeYah has allocated a pool of funding to help pay  for your services based upon the need. 
SeYah is looking for a Humanitarian-minded HVAC Contractor in your county to partner with. If you are interested, please submit the FORM at the bottom of this page and the CEO of SeYah will contact you with the details.

example  of  a MEMBERSHIP   BENEFITs  page


Plumbing Company
HVAC Company
auto dealership

select the benefit that you desire to use below

Launching 1-1-25
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