for your interest in our program and
responding to your personal invitation
Remember,we designed and launchedthis Program especially for YOU and your needs.
PLEASE SUBMIT THE FORM BELOW to be manually enrolled during our pre-launch.
Our official public launch is scheduled for November 1st
How did you hear about the Program?
Check all that apply
I'd like to be promoted on your TV Network
I'm interested in receiving Humanitarian Funding
Please Enroll me as a Church
Please Enroll me as an Organization
Contact me by...
Name of your Church, or EntityOrganization
First Name
Last Name
Your Title or position
Phone Number
Number of your leaders, staff and volunteers that you will be enrolling as members to support your Church or Org
PLUS, the number of supporters outside of your Church do you expect will become members to support your Church or Org
Any Questions or Comments