BIO for Beatriz Bocaranda

  • Pastor Brian Ayala Founded the Xtreme Harvest Church on the driveway of his family home. Since then, together with his wife Cija, they have purposed their lives in the advancing of God’s Kingdom with one focus in mind, “Souls saved and Lives Changed”. 
  • They have been pastoring for 20 years. Pastor Ayala is ordained under the World Harvest Ministry Alliance. He not only Pastors and oversees Xtreme Harvest Church, but also Founded BAM Ministries, utilizing social media. 
  • He also schedules personal ministry engagements and various outreach events throughout the year. He looks forward to sharing the Gospel whenever and wherever God sends him. 
  • In January 2024, Pastor Brian founded the Harvest Home, a safe home that provides every form of aftercare for those who were victims of sex and human trafficking, plus survivors of domestic abuse. 
  • The vision and mission keeps getting stronger and larger; overflowing into streams of ministry including:
o  Street Ministry
o  Homeless Outreach
o  Targeted outreaches to at-risk teens.
o  Mentoring young pastors as they plant and grow their own churches.
  • Pastor and Co-Founder Cija Ayala is a ministry school graduate of Southwestern Assemblies of God University. 
  • In her early years of ministry, she invested her efforts into various avenues of missions work abroad. 
  • She has operated as a Teen Center Coordinator, a Parent and Child Facilitator for SAMMS Ministry, plus was the volunteer coordinator and public relations liaison for Child Advocates of San Antonio. 
  • After marrying Brian Ayala, they united their love for God and the Ministry where they launched Xtreme Harvest Church. 
  • Since then, she has supported her husband and the various ministry avenues operating through Xtreme Harvest Church.
  • Although she will always profess her number one ministry to be her family, she has also become a prolific speaker and preacher, hosting and being a guest at various conferences and ministry engagements. 
  • Pastor Cija Ayala has the heart of a pastor, and the mind of a business woman, and intentionally combines both of these attributes in her vision to unite both worlds for His Kingdom.